3211 N. Front Street
Harrisburg Pennsylvania 17110
Have you ever asked yourself, “How can my one gift fight domestic violence, improve women’s health and nutritional needs, provide shelter to vulnerable girls and protect at-risk seniors with nowhere else to turn?
How can I, just one woman, change the lives of other women and girls in need?”
You can by joining women just like you, through the power of collective gifting.
Add your gift to those of other members of the Women of Vision (WOV) giving circle.
The WOV Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Central PA, was created by women.
For over 20 years the WOV giving circle has been growing and changing lives.
No matter the hardship, thanks to an ever-growing group of WOV members and supporters, we have financial resources to help now – and will continue to be there in the future for those who need us most.
Become a Women of Vision member – join us as we empower women to be strategic philanthropists and decision makers.
Join us as we change the lives of vulnerable women and their children who need us the most!
Would you like to be a part of a group of women who care and want to improve and enrich the lives of women & their families in Harrisburg?
Through WOV you will champion the issues that matter most to you.
The WOV Fund is dedicated to providing grants to help Harrisburg area women and their families through challenging times in their lives.
The mission of WOV is to bring about change by making grants that respond to the social welfare and other needs of women and their children.
Please join us today!
You will offer an outstretched hand of hope and comfort to women and their families and change lives in meaningful ways – forever.
Incredible things happen when women support women. Sharing resources to help Jewish women, empower them and cheer them on; these are essential for our Jewish community. Enhancing our vibrant community, supporting women in times of hardship; these are reasons why WOV is so important. Please join us!
Deborah A. Abel* Marilynn Abrams* Shelley Adler Dorothea Aronson Roberta Barget Sara Barron Karen Baseman Barbara Bazelon Esther Beck Phyllis Berman (z’l) * S. Teri Berman Lorri Bernstein* Vivian Blanc Beatrice Blecker (z’l) Rose Blecker Mye Bloom Robyn Katzman Bowman* Janis Brenner Laura Bromberg (z’l) Mollie Bronstein Sarah Brown** Marcia Bryant Ethel Carryer Lee Casher* Mandy Cheskis Inez Chotiner Robyn Chotiner Judith Cohen Helene Cohen Marcia Cohen* Susan Cohen Chastity Cottingham-Frye** Amy Cytryn Barbara Danowitz Marsha Davis Traci DeBroff*Annie Doctrow Rebecca Doctrow Ricci Doctrow* Sue Morrison Dym* Naava Ellis (z’l)* Barbara Epstein** Kristen Etter Sharon Etter* Doreen Evrard Ann Feierman (z’l) Francine Feinerman* Reva Feldman Eileen Forman Debra Freeburn Emily Freeburn Estelle Fried (z’l) Joan Friedlander Faye Glick* Abby Goddard**
Diane Goldberg* Linda Golberg Frances Goldberg (z’l) Faith Goldsmith* Lois Gordon* Gloria Grabenstein Lois Lehrman Grass (z’l)* Joyce Green Beth Greenberg Sandra Greenberg Vikki Grodner Margaret Grotzinger Alicia Weber Gutkin* Julie Wright Halbert Sheila Heller Geri Henshell Judith Hirsh Joan Hirsh (z’l) Patti Hivner** Carol Hoffman Ellen Brody Hughes (z’l) Betty Hungerford Florence Isaacman (z’l) Joan Isaacman* (z’l) Esther Itzkovitz* Reyna Jose** Gloria Kaplan** Dara Kluger** Eileen Kozloff-Abrams Ruth Ann Krug Rachel Kuhr Cantor Sharon Kunitz (z’l) Edith Kushner Jill Kusic** Sueann Lehner Lorena Lemons (z’l) Ruth Leventhal* Irene Berman Levine Tori Levine Sally Levy Andrea Lieber Janice Lieberman* Varsha Lift Patti Lightman* Barbara Lock Beverly Magdule Neysa Maisel* Eileen Marcus Janna Match Joyce Becker Match Jane Mendlow Sandra Michelson* Bobbie Millner* (z’l) Denyse Miskin** Barbara Morrison
Marti Morrison* Luisa Narins** Ruth Neipris (z’l) Donna Nurick Hope Pracht Eunyce Press Ellen Rabin (z’l) Sandra Rabin Tammy Reid Elaine Reis (z’l) Andrea Reisman* Carol Ressler Rebecca Robinson Susan Rosenberg Sherry Rosenstrauch** Jennifer Ross Nina Rovner* Myra Sacks* Lois Samet Diane Sand* Amy Sauerteig Caren Schein* Dianne Schultz Wendy Davis Shaffer* Julie Sherman Marjorie Sherman* Gail Siegel* Robert Silver Diane Singer** Renee Singer** Temple Ohev Sholom Sisterhood Abby Lynn Smith Trudy Sorin (z’l) Alyce Spector Charlotte Spector* Lee Spitalny Deanna Spurlock Linda Stewart Julie Stulman** Barbara Suden* Cynthia Sussman* Susan Symons* Ann Vergales* Arlynn Weber* Claire Weber (z’l) Miriam Weinstock Beth Weintraub* Brenda Weintrob Jill Weisberg* DeDe Woolf* Toby Yoffe** Fern Zlotoff
* Charter members **Part of a group membership