Our Create a Jewish Legacy Partners

The following agencies and congregations have chosen to become Create a Jewish Legacy partners. By becoming partners, these organizations are engaging in a collaborative effort to help their supporters and members create their own Jewish legacies throughout our community.

Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg

Jewish Family Service of Greater Harrisburg

Jewish Home of Greater Harrisburg

The Silver Academy

Chisuk Emuna Congregation

Congregtion Beth Tikvah

Historic B’nai Jacob

Kesher Israel Congregation

Temple Beth Shalom (Mechanicsburg)

Temple Ohev Shalom

York Jewish Community Center

Jewish Family Service of York

Temple Beth Israel – York

Ohev Sholom Congregation – York

South Hill Hebrew Cemetery Association

Tifereth Israel Cemetery – Mt. Carmel

Kehillat Israel Cemetery – Shenandoah

Beth Yehudah Cemetery – Lock Haven