3211 N. Front Street
Harrisburg Pennsylvania 17110
The Women of Vision Philanthropic Fund is one of the over 300 funds of the Jewish Community Foundation of Central PA. The WOV started as a collective for women who wish to bring about change by making grants that respond to the social welfare needs of women and children in the Harrisburg area.
It is a tzedakah program for women within the Foundation. Membership in Women of Vision provides a hands-on opportunity to work with other women to improve the quality of life in the Harrisburg Jewish community.
We hope you will join the Women of Vision as they celebrate their 10th year of issuing grants.
The Susquehanna Tzedakah Society (STS) was established as a giving society of the Jewish Community Foundation of Central PA. Members of the Society have made substantial financial commitments to Jewish community congregations and agencies including planned giving gifts, endowments and other gifts. They are sustaining the Jewish community now in central Pennsylvania, globally, and in Israel, and securing its future.
We thank and applaud them for their personal commitments to provide significant financial resources to support our Jewish community.
A gift to the Jewish community today allows you to be there for your family, your community, and the Jewish people – whenever help is needed. A gift in your will allows you to be there – in the future – for the generations that will follow us. Create your Jewish Legacy. The Foundation is here to help you include causes meaningful to you in your will and estate plan.
For more information about what your Jewish Community Foundation can do for you, contact Paulette Keifer at 1-717-409-8220 (ext .3202)