Bridge to Tomorrow March of the Living Scholarship Fund

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Bridge-to-Tomorrow-ScholarshipJewish Community Foundation PA

“Gesher L’Machar – Bridge to Tomorrow –
March of the Living Scholarship Fund”


Scholarships provided by
“Gesher L’ Machar (Bridge to Tomorrow) March of the Living Scholarship Fund.”
of The Jewish Community Foundation of Central PA


Established in 2001 by Lois Lehrman Grass and Morris z’l and Linda Schwab, with donations from other generous members of the community, this fund provides scholarships to Harrisburg Hebrew High School (now known as SABABA) attendees who seek financial support in order to participate in the March of the Living (MOTL.)

The International March of the Living is an annual educational program, bringing individuals from around the world to Poland and Israel to study the history of the Holocaust and to examine the roots of prejudice, intolerance and hatred. Taking place annually, the March of the Living itself is a 5-kilometer walk from Auschwitz to Birkenau as a tribute to all victims of the Holocaust.


Application information:

  • Deadlines: applications may be submitted September 1 through October 1 of the academic year in which you will participate in the MOTL program. To be considered, all items requested in the application must be completed and submitted by the deadline.
  • Only SABABA (formerly known as Harrisburg Hebrew High) students may apply for this scholarship. Students must be in their senior year of high school.
  • BBYO members must also apply to BBYO for a scholarship prior to submitting this application.
  • If the applicant is a member of a synagogue, the applicant must reach out to their congregational rabbi to request financial support prior to submitting this application.  Be sure to advise the rabbi of the deadline for submission and request that they provide in writing the amount of financial support that they will provide.
    • The letter from the rabbi must include the amount, the name of the applicant and that the money is for the applicant to participate in the MOTL program and the year the applicant plans to participate.
  • Gesher L’ Machar scholarships will be awarded based upon the criteria herein, including financial need, leadership, volunteerism, commitment to Jewish values, and more.
  • Applications will be reviewed by committee in October and award notices will be sent out in November. Committee decisions are final.
  • Combined scholarships and family contributions may not exceed the total cost of MOTL.
  • AP exams can be rescheduled if they conflict with the trip.  Please check with your school’s administrator to secure approval in writing. 
  • There is no guarantee of funding unless the applicant has consistently attended SABABA for 5 consecutive years.
    • Students who have attended SABABA for 5 years will receive a subsidy of a minimum of $1,000.

Click Here to Apply